Free Download Butterfly Dance Last Version
the last dance of butterfly
They will read Eric Carle’s book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, examine photos showing monarch butterfly life cycles and choreograph and perform a dance expressing what they have learned.. This book can usually be found in your public or school library Review the life cycle of the butterfly as described in the book: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly.. Resources in Reach Here are the resources you'll need for each activity, in order of instruction.. More Butterfly Dance videos Monarch butterflies are of the most recognizable and beloved butterfly in North and Central America.
the last dance of butterfly
Key Staff Classroom Teacher Key Skills Making Art: Composing and Planning, Producing, Executing and Performing Summary In this lesson, students will create an original dance that communicates the stages of the life cycle of the monarch butterfly. HERE
Note: be prepared to move desks to create free room for movement Physical Space Classroom Grouping Large Group Instruction Small Group Instruction Individualized Instruction Accessibility Notes Students with physical disabilities may need modified movements.. For more detail, the from the Perpich Center for Arts Education provides a strong overview.. Read Eric Carles explanation to the class; itll help them remember the correct use of the terms.. Optionally, display the image of the four stages of the monarch butterfly life cycle.
Teacher should have a basic understanding of the life cycle of the Teacher should be comfortable with creative movement for learning. cea114251b HERE
Project the image of the shown in the first slide in the ENGAGE section of the media player above.. What You'll Need Materials Resources Image Printable Slideshow Video Required Technology 1 Computer per Classroom Projector Technology Notes Flash player will be needed for some resources.. For early elementary, the elements can be described as an art form in which a dancer moves through space and time with energy.